Marketing Content Writer + Writing Consultant

2020 Manifesto: Life Health

*I stand firm on my position about Christ. There are aspects of truth in other ideologies and faith systems; that's inevitable when people come from and are sustained by the same Source and live on the same planet. But I prioritize the Gospel and its reach in my life. I believe, for Christians, the secular and the sacred is a false divide, and is a barrier to deep, personal relationship with God that leaves a godly mark on the world. Not perfection, but transformation.

Photo by Sirnoahbility

Photo by Sirnoahbility

*I've been a “quiet storm." 2020 will find me being more stormy.

*I seek to lean into conflict, not be offended by it. I will give people grace as we work through friction and tough truths together and ask for the same grace. In 2019, I learned that we mature and build character if we don't hide from conflict. 

*I will celebrate a legacy mindset, investing more and others and myself. I will ask "how can I support you?" more.

*I will organize at a higher level...for clarity of vision, so I can better do the work I choose and the work already chosen for me, and leave the rest to God.

*I will remember that worry is useless. The remedy for worry it to do what you can, and leave the rest to God.

*I will own.

*I am defining success for myself.

*I am writing the unexpected

*I will learn how to discern and navigate all sorts of systems, patterns and cycles, bringing back the gold and leaving the fool's gold where it is.

*I will fail forward

*My mindset for 2020: possible

Photo by Sirnoahbility

Photo by Sirnoahbility

Tessa Smith